To make money, insurance companies often must pay as little as possible for injury claims. As a result, you can expect an insurer to use many tactics to deny your claim or delay its processing. These tactics may also contribute to a low settlement offer.
Asking injured individuals to sign a blanket medical authorization is common among insurers. Because this authorization gives the insurance company access to all your medical records, there may be three problems with signing one.
When you see a medical provider, it may be necessary to discuss embarrassing or intimate details. Your medical records also probably include information about the illnesses you have or have had, the medications you take and the lifestyle you live. If you sign a blanket medical authorization,
your private medical details are no longer private.
You probably should not assume your insurer will only look at the medical records that have some relation to your injury claim. After all, because a blanket medical authorization entitles insurance adjusters to see everything, they are likely to look for pre-existing conditions or other reasons to deny your claim or offer you less than you deserve.
The insurer is likely to move quickly to access your medical records after you sign a blanket authorization. Even if you change your mind after executing the document, it may be difficult to contain the fallout.
While there are legitimate reasons to allow insurers to examine your medical records, you do not want to do more harm than good. Consequently, before signing anything after an injury, it is critical to understand the consequences of your actions.
If you've been injured due to the negligence of others, don't hesitate to reach out to Sarkisian Law Offices. Our team is ready to provide you with a free consultation to discuss the details of your case and outline the legal options available to you.
Remember, you don't have to navigate this alone. Sarkisian Law Offices is here to fight for your rights and help you rebuild your life after a personal injury.
We have been handling personal injury cases in Indiana for over 40 years and are committed to getting the best possible outcome for our clients.
* Past results are not an express or implied prediction of future success, and should not be construed as such. Past results cannot guarantee future performance. Any result in a single case is not meant to create an expectation of similar results in future matters because each case involves many different factors, therefore, results will differ on a case-by-case basis. (Ind. Prof. Cond. R. 7.1).
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